« The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity… and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.»

Our garden is born from passionate hands, it has evolved with time; some trees have always been there, others have been planted at the same time as the construction of the Tourist Residence. The vegetation has become lush and the love of plants has always been part of us.
Renaud, passionate about plants, simply has the “Art of talking to them”. It allows them to flourish so well that our garden is as rich as the one you can discover today!
In the Relais de Bravone Park, you will encounter Mediterranean species endemic to Corsica such as strawberry tree and cork oak and others that have been imported and planted with care such as Magnolia Eucalyptus, Bougainvillea, Fig Tree, Prickly Pear, Aloe Arborescens, Yucca, various varieties of Cactus but also Banana, Phoenix Palm and Washingtonia, Datura, Lantana, Persimmon, Olive, Vines, Citrus, Laurel-Rose , Roses and many other wonderful plants …
Each plant has its particularity, its own essence, its character and its own energy! Plants have been on our land since the dawn of time and as they are part of the plant world.
To better respect our Nature, we just need to know it better.
Our ancestors used plants to feed themselves, to heal themselves … they were an integral part of their life. Their knowledge of the plant world was very developed, this knowledge was lost over time. Today, it is important to reconnect with plants, to better identify them in order to be able to better respect them, protect them and continue to use their natural virtues that exist in many of them. Everything is in nature, it’s up to us to listen to what she has to say to us.

Plants and Communication
Did you know that plants communicate to each other ?
Trees have many ways of communication to defend themselves from attackers and help each other.
If, for example, a beetle attacks the bark of a tree, the tree takes on tannin, rendering its bark and leaves inedible.
The insect or the grazer knows it well and changes canteen!
Trees also know how to help each other and warn their colleagues of the danger by sending them hundreds of ethylene molecules dispersed by the wind, so that they in turn produce this famous poison!
Animals detect it and usually choose contrary trees in the direction of the wind!
Our Nature is well done : this gives everyone time to feed and regenerate for a good natural balance!
In the forest , there is also an underground network of invisible mushrooms on the surface of the ground, which makes it possible to pass the messages sent by other trees in case of danger …
Also, when tree wants to help another, it goes through this fungal network to send a dose of sugar that he himself produced through his leaves and sunlight!
Trees need it to grow as well that different types of salts.
Nb : you should know that some trees are unable to have a conversation between them such as Spruce and Beech.
Our dear plants, in addition to being smart and beautiful, can also be very useful and are full of resources for us humans!
Among our plants and trees here are some specimens, present in our Residence, that we have the pleasure to present you:
The arbutus (the arbitru in Corsica or strawberry tree) is a shrub present everywhere in the maquis. Its leaves are deep green, its pretty round fruits and orange-red colors appear at the end of autumn and in winter.
L’arbutu (u bacu) can be eaten like this or transformed as ice cream or sirop.
The flowers from arbutus tree are very pretty and form small bells.
The arbutus also has many therapeutic virtues. Our ancestors used it in the form of decoctions, infusions, powders, extracts, mother tincture … to cure various diseases.
From its leaves, to its bark, through its roots everything is good in the arbutus tree!
Tree with multiple talents:
- It is a digestive tonic, an anti spasmodic intestinal but also a natural antiseptic that helps fight against urinary infections.
- It has astringent properties, diuretic … and it is a natural anti-inflammatory!
- Its roots are effective in lowering high blood pressure. And its leaves can be used as antioxidants and anticoagulants.
In summary, the arbutus tree is beautiful, good and useful for humans!
Thank you Mr. Arbutus.


It is the largest tree in our Park , standing upright and proud in the middle of our garden:
Sir Eucalyptus was one of the first trees planted in the Relais de Bravone.
It has now a little more than half a century!
Respect for this great Australian!
The name Eucalyptus means “well covered” (literal translation “well covered” describing the capsule of the bud). There are more than 700 species, most of which are native to Australia, specifically from the province of Tasmania.
With its incredible ability to absorb the soil water it believes in, it dries up the marshes it colonizes. This is also why this beautiful tree is present on our island of Beauty. It was planted in the plains around some houses to reduce diseases caused by the surrounding marsh (drainage removes the swamps where mosquito larvae develop).
According to “Plants and Men” of Fabrice Fenouillière, eucalyptus are able to absorb their weight in water in 24h! In other words, it is a great drinker!
The aborigines knew it well and used it to pump water: they put the end of a eucalyptus root in a pond and the other in a container. Thanks to the action of suction that the root exerted, the container was filled.
They also used the leaves to treat fever and other ailments.
The essential oil extracted from the leaves contains compounds with disinfecting properties. Be careful, they can be toxic in high concentration.
Nevertheless, well used and with care, Eucalyptus brings many benefits.
It is the great therapist against inflammations and respiratory infections such as bronchitis, sinusitis, cold … infusion, mother tincture, essential oils, inhalation, fluid extract.
Eucalyptus has more than a trick in his bag! It’s up to us to know how to use it.
European aromatherapy mainly uses the essential oil of four species of eucalyptus .
- Mentulic Eucalyptus (E. dives). Preferred for respiratory disorders.
Not recommended for children under 6 years of age and pregnant or breastfeeding women
- Lemon Eucalyptus (E. citriodora). Preferred for topical applications (arthritis, tendonitis, itching, mosquito, etc.).
- Eucalyptus struck off (E. radiata). Better tolerated by the mucous membranes and the skin; suitable for children.
Not recommended during the first three months of pregnancy. - Multibranch Eucalyptus (E. polybractea CT cryptone). Preferred for parasitic diseases (tropical diseases in particular) and for gynecological or urinary infections of viral origin. The essential oil is not recommended for children under 6 years and pregnant or breastfeeding.
Aloe Arborescens
When you discover the Relais de Bravone, you start by climbing a lane lined with Aloe Arborescens , dense and majestic!
Aloe Arborescens, like Aloe Vera, is native to South Africa and the East.
It lives in warm lands where it deploys extraordinary energy to survive both diseases and drought. This explains the incredible wealth concentrated in
these leaves.
For the high priests of Ancient Egypt, the aloe or “Plant of immortality” holds prodigious qualities known to men since at least ancient times.
The Greeks, in the fourth century BC, used this plant to palliate the treatments of different affections. The qualities of its gel made it a product of first necessity.
When we talk about Aloe , most know the virtues of Aloe vera but very few know that of his cousin Aloe arborescens which has a healing power 2 times more powerful, especially in concerning cancer.

The Aloe Arborescens was put forward by Father Romano Zago (a Franciscan priest), who used it according to a formula known today as the “Recipe of Father Romano Zago” and described in his book “Cancer Can Heal”.
Let’s summarize the multiple properties from Aloe arborescens :
- Antioxidant li>
- Anti Aging li>
- Anti bacterial li>
- Anti mycotic li>
- Anti-inflammatory and anti-pain li>
- Healing li>
- Stimulate the epithelial system li>
- Immunomodulator li>
- Anti Cancer (active against cancerous and precancerous cells
, cancer of the lung and pleura, cancer of the
colon, of the stomach, liver …)
- Anti viral li>
- Regulator of hypoglycemia, diabetes li>
- Regulator of the digestive system li>
- Regulator of the circulatory system li>
- Skin conditions li>
- Elimination of toxins li>
- Rheumatism, Candida albican, herpes li>
- Stimulant of the immune system (in case of chemotherapy) li>
- Respiratory system (lungs and bronchi) li>
In short, we will have understood this plant is clearly a miracle of Nature! p>
Fig tree
At the Relais you will find two fig trees , one sheltering the cars in the car park and the other at the entrance of our beautiful park welcoming you in front of the stairs leading to the studios.
Both are forty years old, the flower of the age.
For those lucky enough to come in September, they still give beautiful purple and black figs whose pulp is melting, juicy and very sweet!
Very nutritious, the fig is very rich in fibers and minerals, especially in potassium.
It is a source of trace elements including iron and contains small amounts of calcium, vitamins C and A but also vitamins B and P (protective properties on the blood vessels).
The fig tree has its origin in Asia Minor and has been cultivated for millennia in the Mediterranean basin.
Tree sacred in antiquity, it promotes digestion and exerts a soothing action of body and mind. The macerate of fig buds is therefore particularly effective in stress problems and provides a natural and healthy nighttime rest.
There are more than 150 varieties of figs including reds, blacks, violets but also gray and the white ones.
Consumed fresh or dried, it is a “health food“.
Thus, the regular consumption of figs and not only tastefully good but also excellent for our health, it contributes to:
- decrease high blood pressure
- control cholesterol
- relieve constipation
- prevent colon cancer
- control the level of glucose in the blood
- prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes

These plants are just a small sample of what we have here, but so are others
who are present and caring.
A little piece of vegetal paradise that likes to live and flourish at the Relais for the pleasure of
our senses.
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